Subscribe Now
If a subscriber is diagnosed with cancer before the expiration of their subscription, and the diagnosis occurred after the waiting period, please follow the below steps:

What to Bring

National ID (or passport for non-Jordanians)

Your pathology report

A detailed medical report (if available)

Confirm the Diagnosis

Please visit the Early Detection Clinic at KHCC to obtain a medical report to confirm your diagnosis.

The working hours of the Early Detection Clinic are:
8:00am – 3:00pm Saturday to Thursday.

The Coverage

The patient or his first relative is required to proceed to KHCF to receive a coverage letter to cover the treatment costs, and finalize the required documents.

Address: Um Othaina, Al Koufa Street, Building 57
Phone: +962 6 554 4970 ext.: 203-187

First Appointment

CCI will take care of scheduling your first appointment at the New Cases Coordinators’ Office and the appointment will be confirmed by KHCC within 48 working hours.

More Notes:

The patient is eligible to benefit from the entire coverage amount (up to the ceiling), regardless of the subscription’s expiration date for one time only.

Subscribers will not be able to renew their CCI subscription after they are diagnosed with cancer.

All treatment procedures will be covered at KHCC without exception.


To learn more about the benefits of CCI, click here